About us

The London Welsh Masonic Lodge 2867 was consecrated in September 1901 in response to Welshmen, both artisans and professionals, living and working in London who had a desire  to create a masonic lodge maintaining a definite Welsh culture.

At that time there were more than 35,000 welsh born in London, establishing a strong chapel community and retaining a solid Welsh belief also having their own Cymmrodorian Society which promoted Welsh learning, literature and charitable works.

These days the qualifications for joining the Lodge are more relaxed, if you are Welsh, speak Welsh, (it’s not a perquisite) interested in Welsh Rugby, humour, song culture and all round “Welshness”  then this is the Lodge for you.

We are a very friendly, fun loving Lodge who enjoy a good singing session and believe that Freemasonry enhances the wider life experience by adding an extra dimension to that of just, family and work.

At all times in Freemasonry the contentious issues of politics and religion are never discussed as these can disrupt the harmony of a Lodge. We do not have a London Welsh Ladies Lodge but introduction to a Ladies Lodge can easily be established through us.

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